If you have misplaced your post operative instruction the following are the basics. If you still have questions please call the clinic at 231-256-8853

Post Operative Instructions for ___________________

It is very important that you provide the following care for your pet to heal properly. If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s care or progress, please contact us at your earliest convenience.


  • Expect some swelling, but check for redness, bleeding, separation of wound edges, or excessive drainage. 

  • Do not allow your pet to lick or chew at the incision.

  • Watch for listlessness, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, lack of appetite, or any other signs of illness. If any of the listed symptoms develop, please call us as soon as possible.


  • Confine your dog to short leash walks only, for at least 7 days after surgery. Cats should not be allowed outside for 10-14 days following surgery.

  • NO running, jumping or rough play for 10-14 days following surgery.

  • You may need to confine your pet to a crate or small room when they are not being supervised

  • When picking up or petting your pet, try to avoid putting pressure on the incision area.


  • Keep the incision area clean and dry. If soiled, blot with a warm, damp cloth.

  • Do not bathe your pet or allow swimming for 10-14 days after surgery and/or until the sutures are removed.


  • _____You may offer about an inch of water or broth in the bottom of a small bowl upon arriving home.

  • _____You may offer more water and ¼ of their regular meal 2 hours after arriving home. The remaining ¾ of the meal may be fed an hour later if they have eaten without vomiting.

  • _____You may resume the normal diet.


  • _____ Please schedule an appointment to have sutures removed in 10-14 days.

  • _____ There are no sutures to be removed. They are placed beneath the skin and will be absorbed over time. 


  • ______ None dispensed - injections may have been administered

  • ______ Dispensed ________________________________________________

  Start the medication ________________________________________


  • ______ Vaccines given

  • ______ Microchip placed

  • ______ Toenails were trimmed and the anal glands were emptied

  • ______ Biopsy results are pending. We will discuss the results at suture removal or when they become available